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Tin sa remarc aici ca tranzactia imobiliara a decurs ok, implicarea ta ca agent a fost perfecta mai ales ca vanzatorul nu era inca convins dupa ultimele discutii avute sa incheie vanzarea. Te avantajeaza foarte mult si faptul ca ai un farmec aparte care de multe ori ajuta la finalizarea unei tranzactii.
de Florian Ghetu
l am more than happy to share my experience with Emma because it was flawless. She was always available for the apartment viewing and we did everything via video call considering the fact that we’re in different continents. Emma presented it so well and l have to emphasize that when l got to see the place verything was exactly the same as she described it! I had a very specific requirement regarding the direction of the entrance and she made sure that it was accordingly. Lastly, l would really want to thank you for the fantastic work you’ve done, l really appreciate your patience, expertise and your assistance! From the first time l stepped into the apartment felt like home and that’s so important because you understood perfectly our needs!
de Homan Tandijono
CEO and founder of TF Motors Cambodia
Colaborarea avuta cu Emma a fost una foarte frumoasa! Din momentul in care am contactat-o si pana a gasit ceva in concordanta cu cerintele mele au trecut doar cateva zile. Comunicarea a fost una ireprosabila. Emma este o profesionistă adevărată, după închirierea apartamentului eram atât de entuziasmată încât nici nu mă mai gândeam la procesul de predare-primire al apartamentului dar ea nu a lăsat să îi scape nici un detaliu. Îi sunt extrem de recunoscătoare pentru această colaborare și fără nici o îndoială o să apelez la ea în viitor pentru că este dedicată să își ajute clienții!
de Laura Dumitru
Top model
Thank you Emma for doing an excellent job in helping us finding the perfect apartment. Everything worked smoothly from the beginning to the signing of contracts and take ower. You are pleasant and very good at your job. I wish you all the best of luck for your future projects!
de Wahlberg Kerstin Agneta
Diplomat Norvegian
Emma este o prezenta foarte agreabila si un agent imobiliar profesionist. Este promta, serioasa, comunica foarte bine si recomanda pentru spatiul de locuit cei mai potriviti chiriasi. Cu siguranta, voi colabora si pe viitor cu Emma si o voi recomanda prietenilor.
de Sergiu Stoica
Anita Tonea - agent
Profesionalism, rapiditate si flexibilitate sunt cele 3 cuvinte care descriu colaboararea frumoasa pe care am avut.o cu tine! Multumesc🤩
de Anita Tonea
Agent Imobiliar
Alin Popa
I recently sold my apartment with the help of a wonderful real estate agent. Her name is Emma Dumitrescu and she was an absolute pleasure to work with. She was very knowledgeable about the current real estate market in my area and gave me great advice on how to maximize my sale price. She was also very patient and understanding of my needs, taking the time to answer all my questions and helping me understand the process every step of the way. Her communication was excellent and she kept me up to date with any new developments. She was also very friendly and professional, and I felt very comfortable working with her throughout the process. Overall, I am very happy with the results of my sale and I would highly recommend Emma to anyone looking to buy or sell a property.
de Alin Popa
Business Development Director

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